Our Approach to Safety and Health
Tokyo Electron Group performs a range of business activities including development, manufacturing, transportation, installation, and maintenance with the highest priority on the safety and health of all personnel from top management to frontline staff and makes proactive and continuous improvements to enhance safety and promote good health.
- Safety First
- Based on the principle of "safety first," we strive to create safer products and work to maintain and improve the safety of all people involved with our products and healthy workplace environments.
- Pursuit of Safe Technologies
- With an awareness of the factors that impair safety and health in our various business activities, we continuously strive to create safer and more secure workplaces by making improvements concerning those factors and through intrinsically-safe equipment designs and superior service capabilities.
- Management and Employees Responsibility
- All employees maintain an awareness of potential problems and of the need for improvement concerning the maintenance and enhancement of safety and health at all workplaces, and management and employees act in accordance with their respective responsibilities.
- Legal Compliance
- We comply with safety and health laws and regulations and international rules, take into consideration industry guidelines, and strive to promote safety and health.
- Collaboration and Cooperation with Society
- Based on common understanding with a broad range of stakeholders, we cooperate and collaborate with society and work to appropriately meet their expectations.
Based on a culture of “Safety First*¹,” we have established “Safety Policy” with approval of top management and inform all employees of the policy. And, we use a management system based on OHSMS*² to manage safety and occupational health and implement the PDCA cycle to reduce the potential risk of work-related incidents and raise the overall level of safety and occupational health. Moreover, by sharing incident information and information on measures to prevent reoccurrence at the Global Safety and Health Committee Council, the Manufacturing Companies Presidents’ Council and the Safety Council with contingent workers, we promote safety management as a company-wide initiative.
Safety First: Refer to Initiatives for Higher Productivity
OHSMS: Occupational Health and Safety Management System. A management system to improve the overall level of safety and occupational health
Incident Reporting System
In the event of an incident, we operate the TEL Incident Report System (TIRS) to quickly share information with all parties involved and follow up with the relevant department to confirm the incident response as well as to implement measures to prevent reoccurrence. Through the operation of this system, we will continue to strive for speedy information sharing and incident response.
Initiatives to Safety
On-site Safety Patrols
We conduct monthly health and safety committee meetings by representatives of employees at each plant and office to discuss measures for any workplace safety or employee health issues and to conduct safety patrols. In addition, at least once a month, a representative from each department conducts safety patrols at manufacturing sites to establish a system to solve problems on their own initiative.
Risk Assessment and Stop Work Authority
Before we start to work , the work details and the risks are shared with all workers involved, and they each increase their safety awareness in an effort to prevent incidents. In addition, effort is also being directed to providing guidance to safety managers as well as making workers stop work and take corrective action in the event of an unforeseen incident while on the job.
Safety Education
In addition, we are implementing two education programs globally for the establishment of safe work environments.
Basic Safety Education
Basic safety education is basic safety training targeting all employees. It is provided as introductory training for new hires, and thereafter, employees are required to take refresher training once every three years.
Advanced Safety Education
Advanced safety education is a more specialized type of safety training targeted at workers on production lines and in
cleanrooms. Those who are eligible for this training are required to take refresher training every year. For overseas transferees, the laws and regulations in their previous and future places of employment are compared, and additional safety education is added as necessary.
Also, to ensure the concept of safe equipment design permeates from design, manufacture and service operations, we hold a semiannual safe equipment design* seminar at our manufacturing sites in Japan, inviting an external guest to speak. We also promote our initiatives to prevent incidents, by providing our suppliers and customers with safety information as circumstances demand. As a result of having maintained a high priority on creating safe work environments, TCIR has been maintained at less than the goal of 0.50, with 0.30 in fiscal year 2023.
Safe equipment design: Refer to Safe Design of Equipment