Management foundation

Build a strong management foundation that underpins our business activities

We will expand the following initiatives to “Build a strong management foundation that underpins our business activities.”

  • Build a highly effective corporate governance system to realize medium- to long-term growth, strengthen risk management and thoroughly enforce compliance to ensure that operational decision-making and supervisory functions are exercised sufficiently
  • Maintain high ethical standards and expand human rights due diligence (impact assessment and remediation) and grievance processes based on the group-wide Human Rights Policy to practice respect for human rights
  • Strive to create new value by respecting the individuality and values of each employee and exercising their individual capabilities, and encourage work styles in sync with their respective lifestyles
  • Strive to achieve medium- and long-term environmental goals for products, plants and offices and promote E-COMPASS through partnerships with suppliers to reduce environmental impact throughout the value chain
  • Develop sustainable operations in accordance with global standards throughout the entire supply chain

SDGs initiatives

  • Create a work environment where employees can work in good health and with peace of mind
  • Promote gender equality and ensure equal opportunity and fairness of outcomes
  • Enhance engagement and build a work environment that respects human rights and diversity while maximizing individual abilities
  • Practice motivation-oriented management based on the idea that “Our corporate growth is enabled by people, and our employees both create and fulfill company values.”
  • Ensure equal opportunity and fairness of outcomes through the appropriate promotion of relevant laws and regulations, etc.
  • Promote activities to reduce environmental impact through our business and contribute to the preservation of the global environment
  • Reduce toxic chemicals and air, water and soil pollution
  • Strengthen resilience and adaptability to climate-related and natural disasters
  • Build a highly effective corporate governance system while strengthening risk management and thoroughly enforcing compliance in order to build a strong and sound management foundation
  • Reduce all forms of bribery and corruption
  • Build a management foundation that underpins business activities by strengthening global partnerships

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