SASB Table

Topic Metric Category Uniti of measure Code Relevant Sections in Integrated Reports Page in Integrated Reports Other References
Greenhouse Gas Emissions (1) Gross global Scope 1 emissions and Quantitative Metric tons (t) CO₂-e
(1)Sustainability Data: Environment P.81  
(2) amount of total emissions from perfluorinated compounds (2)Sustainability Data: Environment P.81
Discussion of long- and short-term strategy or plan to manage Scope 1 emissions, emissions reduction targets, and an analysis of performance against those targets Discussion and Analysis n/a TC-SC-110a.2 Environment P.52
Energy Management in Manufacturing (1) Total energy consumed, (2) percentage
grid electricity and (3) percentage renewable
Quantitative Gigajoules (GJ), Percentage (%)
(3)Sustainability Data: Environment P.82  
(2)Sustainability Data: Environment P.82
(3)Sustainability Data: Environment P.82
Water Management 1) Total water withdrawn, (2) total water consumed; percentage of each in regions with High or Extremely High Baseline WaterStres Quantitative Thousand cubic metres (m³), Percentage (%)
(1)Sustainability Data: Environment P.82  
(2)ー   CDP Water Security 2022>W1.2d
Waste Management Amount of hazardous waste from manufacturing, percentage recycled Quantitative Metric tons (t), Percentage (%)
Sustainability Data: Environment P.83  
Employee Health & Safety Description of efforts to assess, monitor, and reduce exposure of employees to human health hazards Discussion and Analysis n/a TC-SC-320a.1 Safety
Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with employee health and safety violations Quantitative Presentation currency TC-SC-320a.2  
Recruiting & Managing a Global, Skilled Workforce Percentage of employees that are (1) foreign nationals and (2) located offshore Quantitative Percentage (%) TC-SC-330a.1 (1)No disclosure of nationality in the interest of diver  
(Disclosure shall include a description of potential risks of recruiting foreign nationals and/or offshore employees, and management approach to addressing these risks.) (2)Sustainability Data: Social P.84
Product Lifecycle Management Percentage of products by revenue that contain IEC 62474 declarable substances
(Disclosure shall include a discussion of efforts to minimise usage of these substances.)
Quantitative Percentage (%) TC-SC-410a.1 Green Procurement
Safe Equipment Design
Processor energy efficiency at a system-level for: (1) servers, (2) desktops and (3) laptops5
(Disclosure shall include a discussion of efforts to design for new and emerging usage patterns with respect to energy efficiency in all product categories (i.e., applications for servers, desktops, laptops, workstations, netbooks, tablets, mobile)
Quantitative Various, by product category TC-SC-410a.2    
Materials Sourcing Description of the management of risks associated with the use of critical materials Discussion and Analysis n/a TC-SC-440a.1 Risk Management P.69 Risk Management
Supply Chain Management P.50 Supply Chain Management
Intellectual Property Protection & Competitive Behaviour Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with anticompetitive behaviour regulations
(The entity shall briefly describe the nature, context, and any corrective actions taken as a result of the monetary losses.)
Quantitative Reporting currency TC-SC-520a.1 Sustainability Data: Governance P.86